Asian Culture Night and the Fake SIA Girl
I have been so busy this past week its unbelievable. Class, work, numerous trips to the supermarket to buy stuff for Asian Culture Night (ACN), ACN planning meetings, fashion show rehearsals, and having to cook for the event itself. Don't know how I survived it all. But, like any thing that you have to work really hard for, I think I did reap the rewards. I was so happy I did it in the end. Asian Culture Night is this thing where there's asian food served and asian themed performances. During the initial planning stages, there was a choice as to whether one could do entertainment or food. Somehow I ended up being involved in both., deciding to cook as well as be an SIA girl for the fashion show. Just prior to the event I was really regretting taking on so much stuff, cos for the chicken curry we cooked, we had to make something like 8 pots. Stayed up till 2 plus on Friday night so we could get a headstart on the cooking. Then I had to attend the fashion show rehearsals and that took up a lot of time too. But I made a lot of new friends from it and I'm glad I did it.
Its funny, I tried to keep the fashion show thing under wraps cos very paiseh la. But dunno how come everyone came in the end. Word really gets around! I guess I'm glad my friends came though. It wouldn't have felt the same without them. Someone said I did Singapore proud! And Carine told me to stop studying and go be an air stewardess. Yah right. Haha.
Right after the fashion show I had a lot of photographs taken. Felt like some 明星. Then went to pick up Lynn and Bernice from Solana Beach. Nice to see them after such a long time. Following that the Koreans and Japanese had a gathering which I was invited to. Quite fun! See the last two pictures for an idea of what it was like.
Hm I suddenly feel like I'm about to collapse. Dunno how come I can tahan for so long. Might probably elaborate more on today's happenings and upload more pictures once I've managed to get them from the million cameras they're all scattered in :p For now, blessed sleep! The first time I don't have to wake up early in... I don't know how long. Lovely :)

Valerie pushes out the trolley.

Valerie waves to the audience.

With my I House pals: Gillian (Hongkong), Aree (Thailand), Annika (I'm not very sure where she's from), me and Carine.

Thanks for supporting me guys! Can't believe you all cheered so loudly. Finally I feel a bit proud to be a Singaporean. Hahaha. From left to right: Tat, Carine, KC, Kenny, me, Desmond, Sangyu and Xinyi.

Hyo Seok and Ginny from Korea. Hyo Seok can sing realllly well. She won the singing contest for Asian Culture Night!

The three cool rockers - Suk Woo (Korea), Jun (Japan) and Tat (Singapore). They're sooo good.
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