Cooking Time!
Busied myself with cooking this week. I figured I should cook as much as I can before I go back since I won't really cook anymore when I go back to Singapore. Anyway I still have a huge box of stuff from my mum to cook. On the list: laksa, satay (?), sambal sotong, chicken curry, chicken rice, emperor chicken, asam fish, konnyaku jelly, chicken soup and maybe pineapple rice. Where got time to cook so many things? Argh! Must make some sort of schedule. And I'm gonna be spending so much money on meat and stuff haha. But never mind. Its fun to feed people :p
And I skipped work today cos I was too tired. And more happy news for me was that tomorrow (Friday) is a half day at my office so since I only work in the afternoons I don't have to come! Yay!!! A nice long weekend is waiting for me. Really should get started on my work though. Have been playing too much. Bah.

Tuesday's food: rice, prawn omelette, random vegetable and tofu dish and chicken soup with button mushrooms and white fungus. Yippee! Note my trusty jar of diced garlic which helps to add flavour to my dishes :)

Prawn omelette.

I had no vegetables with me so I just grabbed some stuff from Cafe Ventanas to cook.

Wednesday's fare: rice, vegetables, onion omelette and mai4 pian4 xia1. Plus the chicken soup from Tuesday (not in pic).

Yay! Yummy mai4 pian4 xia1. While frying it the oil jumped out at me and burnt my hand. Hmph. But it was fun trying to make something you get to eat in restaurants.
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