Japan - Day 19 - Enoshima and Keio
Yesterday (Thursday), I met Tomo around lunchtime and we set off for Enoshima, a small island that's more on the outskirts and not so city-like. I was excited! It was nice to see sand, crabs and flowers again. After that we went to his university, the Fujisawa campus of Keio to attend a class. It was totally in Japanese and I was lost half of the time hehe. The classroom was so nice, it looked like a nicely designed house. The interior was lit with warm halogen lights and the set-up of the room was such that the professor and students can talk freely. Everyone knew each other. If only NUS could be like that too.
Will be meeting the UCSD japanese students tonight for dinner. Looking forward to it!

Walking across the bridge to reach Enoshima.

Tomo, posing for the camera. As Carine would say, "Waratte, warau, chi-zu!"

View of the island as we got closer. Looks kinda dreamy, enshrouded in fog.

Patches of moss covered rock exposed during low tide. Bet it'll be very nice to sit there at night.

Tiny crab in the palm of my hand. It can scuttle around really quickly. There were many hermit crabs around too.

Spider in its web. I wondered what was beneath/inside this white cottony patch on one of the walls. Tomo pried the thing open with a stick of some sorts to reveal that. I felt bad to destroy its web! But, it was really interesting to see this. Never seen this kind of spider web before.

I found out what these are called! Ajisai, and indeed they are hydrangeas. Apparently these bloom in full force during the rainy season, and since its been raining quite a lot recently, there are lots of them around.

Pretty, delicate flower :)

View from higher up. Its a nice bay area.

Last picture of the day with Tomo's friends. Left to right: Misayo, Kaori, me, Tomo, Jouko, and (his name is too long I can't remember :p).
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