HCJC Class Gathering at Shichi's
Friday 29th July - My jc classmate Shichi was holding her 21st birthday party at her place, which incidentally served a dual purpose as a class gathering. Its been a long time since I saw them. Some were overseas, some couldn't make it, but it was still nice to see those who did manage to come. Here's to my class, 01S72 of HCJC. Heh.

With one of my best pals from Hwa Chong, Wanqing :)

At the barbecue pit. Clockwise from extreme left: Jiean, Cedric, Yuanting, Shiwei, Wanqing, me, Darryl, Colin, Leon, Manting, Shichi, Yujia and Wanting.

Cutting the cake. Back row from left to right: Junyang, Colin, Leon, Cedric, Yuanting, Darryl, Wanqing, me, Shiwei, Jiean. Front row: Wanting, Shichi, Yujia and Manting.
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