Yes, a very strange title but its true. I was watching tv when the doorbell rang and when I looked out the peephole, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because I saw an outline of a head with long springy things sticking out of it, with ball-like thingies on the end. X-files perhaps?
Maybe I was too tired from school or something, hallucinating and all, but I opened my door to see a guy decked out in the full 财神爷 costume. Really thought I lost it. He kept asking me 你知道我是谁吗?but I was simply too stunned to say anything. Then he said 我是财神爷啊!to enlighten me as to his identity and promptly tried to shove an angpao through the gate. Wah ha that was it, I said ok thanks bye! and shut the door.
There's my weird story of the day. Lab is not going fantastic, but I suppose that is to be expected as I really am a greenhorn. People are quite nice though so its fine. Schoolwork is suffering because I don't have the time or the presence of mind to devote myself to my subjects properly so that needs attention.
I was very happy just now because I just saw a travel documentary on Salzburg. It is absolutely beautiful in winter with snow covered sidewalks and the mountains in the distance. I also like the sense of community cos farmers (from both big and small establishments) come to sell their produce at the market every Thursday. Its also famous for Mozart and the Sound of Music and I really wanna go there someday! I only passed through Vienna last time and didn't really get to enjoy Austria thoroughly. I think its also good for skiing. Much to offer.

Its only been a month since I went on my holiday but I feel like its been ages. School really catches hold of you and doesn't let go. I suddenly remember that travelling really does make me happy cos I felt exhilarated as I watched the Salzburg show. What I want to be when I grow up: the travel host who gets to go to many countries and stay in good hotels and just tell the audience "this place is great because... (fill in umpteen reasons)"? Wah what an existence.
Alaska, Alaska... ~~

Apparently it is normal to walk round the corner of a building in Anchorage and come face to face with a moose/caribou. Can't wait. :)
Here's also a funny video clip to tickle those funny bones. Cats are crafty and you'll know why after watching :)
Last disjointed thought of the day: I wanna learn European languages. So far I've only dabbled in Asian languages. Time to challenge my tongue and make it contort into new shapes. Very cool BBC link: BBC Language Quick Fix
I wanted to do more but Blogger is not cooperating with me. So that's it for today. Toodles folks! Have a great weekend.
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