Sunday, April 30, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
New Blogskin
To commemorate my travels! :) Photos were taken by me. Hope more good ones will come along. Alaska in 16 days! -squeals-
Monday, April 17, 2006
Mozilla Firefox
I'm a convert! Tons better than my IE which would close when I have about 10 windows open. Grr! I'm slow to catch on to this I know but never mind. Mozilla Mozilla Mozilla ^^
And just for fun...

Say hi, Pinky!

Pretty colours. Dug this out from somewhere. Believe it or not, its from Earl's Place! Ah, if only I could go eat icecream by the canyon again...
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
小笼包 Mystery - Solved!
People who have eaten 小笼包 with me would perhaps remember that I've always wondered how they get the soup inside and what its made of. I've found out! Passed by a supermarket on the way home today and saw how its done in a chinese cook book.
The answer is... LARD JELLY. Yes. Lard as in pork fat. There goes another of the foods that I thought were healthy enough to eat without guilt. Basically its melted pork skin and some people add a little agar to it so its solid before you actually steam the dumpling. Saw a picture of it in the book. It was whitish looking -_-" The lard is the reason why the dumpling is so fragrant. So its indispensable!
Maybe its really true that yummy things are unhealthy. After finding out that instant noodles were deep fried I couldn't look at them the same way again. Now its 小笼包 which is so delicious! We'll see what happens the next time I eat it. Luckily they come in small servings :)
Monday, April 10, 2006
What Major?
You scored as Linguistics. You should be a Linguistics major!
What is your Perfect Major? created with |
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Cute Cousins
My uncle and his family came back from Auckland this morning! They migrated about 4 years ago, just after their 3rd kid was born. Its the first time I've seen them since. The kids are all very cute. As always, pictures!

Aunts and uncles and cute cousins

Me and Charlene -muack!- She reminds me of a younger version of myself...


Sooo cute~~~
Later in the evening I watched a Korean movie called The Art of Seduction with some international peeps (students/interns). Quite a funny movie. Over dinner as I was talking to them I realised that employers nowadays really do value international exposure... Good excuse for me to go overseas more often -grin-
I asked this guy from Germany what Singapore's reputation is like over there. He said his mom thought the laws in Singapore are really strict so she told him not to do anything. The Canadian/Ecuadorian girl piped up and said you can't chew gum and you get caned! And the German finished off with Singapore's not a democracy. Yeap. Well but they ended off by saying Singapore's not as strict as its perceived to be.
I think I shall buy those t-shirts from Far East that have signs on them which say that chewing gum is banned, then wear them in Alaska. Haha!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
By Request
"Name five of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick five people to do the same. "

Being able to eat when I'm hungry and drink when I'm thirsty...

...Sleeping after that...

...Playing with snow in a foreign land...

...Chilling with the right company...

...and being able to laugh at a good joke.
There you have it.