Cornflake Cookies!
Yesterday and today were good days! A colleague (Christine) drove me to 2 grocery stores to get stuff, then sent me back home with all my barang, and when I said I wanted to go to Walmart she said "I can take you now if you want".
At Walmart while I was shopping I saw a familiar figure... It was my trainer Lydia! Excerpt -
Lydia: How you going home?
Val: Eh... bus.
Lydia: I taking you home!
Val: Really??? -happy like siao-
After we got into her car I said I was hungry, you know, in the casual conversational way.
Lydia: I hungry too. You wanna go eat?
Val: Eh... its ok.
Lydia: I take you! You like burger? You like Chinese food?
Val: -very paiseh- No, its ok.
Lydia: Cmon, I hungry too. I taking you to Chinese food. You like?
Val: -nods- But I'm poor, no money!
Lydia: I pay!
Val: -eyes popping at good fortune-
So we went to a place called China King and I ate like crazy. They have everything. Chinese tea, fruit, brownies, donuts, pot stickers, crab, squid, pork, chicken, soup, icecream, jello, and the list goes on.
That night I slept a happy girl. When I woke up the next morning I baked cookies! Cornflake cookies to be exact. Made 'em into little packages for my 3 housemates who had to work :)

Not having a car is really inconvenient, but when people with cars do things like help you move house and bring you grocery shopping, it feels soooo good. (Some) people are kind after all.
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