Off Days
We got Monday and Tuesday off this week. On Monday we went to the 5th Ave Mall where I bought a brown polka dotted hair band and 3 pairs of earrings! (Buy 2 pairs and get 1 free) On Tuesday, I brought the girls to Costco so we could check out what we wanted to buy before getting someone with a membership to buy the stuff for us. I forgot that you need to show your membership card before going in! So we started looking for kind-looking “targets” to smuggle us in. This old guy told us we could get a one day pass at the entrance, so we tried and went in under China Airlines. I had a feeling that was for the corporate membership but what the heck :p
Went crazy shopping there man. Nowadays we’re always starving and the mention of food gets us salivating like Pavlov’s dogs. Housekeeping is so physically demanding that I eat and eat and eat. Fries, soft drinks, chips, chocolate all go down the hatch! I never eat that stuff at home. The king crab legs at Costco were HUGE. But poor us kept telling ourselves to “wait till we move into our house”. No place to store and cook food mah. But once we do move in, we’re gonna buy one of those outdoor barbecues and invite some of our colleagues over. Ironically, its some of the bellmen who treat us the nicest. [This particular one treated me to chicken wings and a McMuffin! The wings were heavenly man.]
While waiting for the bus outside Costco, we got bored and started taking crazy pictures! But it was fun :) See for yourself!

Some guys horned at us when we were doing the kissing pose. Mua haha. Anyway, getting whistled at//yelled at from passing trucks/picked up here is like a really common occurrence so I recommend girls searching for boyfriends to come here – NOT!!!
hey val.. have you heard abt lena cheo from hwachong? she went for work n travel in alaska too.. and met with an accident on her off day on monday and passed away.. when she went up to canada..
haiya! i was so sad upon hearing the news la. then got worried for you. opps :x
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