Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
To Ang Seok Ting - Happy birthday! Hope you had a good time at Blooie's and enjoyed your bloody steak. First you kill rats and now cows... tsk tsk. Congrats on getting into MOE :D

-Interruption: Blooie's Advertisement-
Since everytime I come here with people they ask me "How do they survive?" I shall do some free advertising for Blooie's and their special dish. The place is just outside PGP (Sylvia would say "in the forest"). This undignified looking fowl is a BBQ Beer Butt Chicken! Description from the website:
Want to try something different? How about ordering BLooiE’s famous Roadhouse Beer-Butt-Chicken.
We take a whole fresh chicken and rub ‘em down with our own special spices and seasonings. Then we chill the bird over night to allow the spices and seasonings to marinate into the meat.
Just before we cook the chicken we take an opened full can of beer, add a little of the spice and seasonings then gently insert the beer can up the chickens butt! The chicken is then set upright on the BBQ and grilled to a sensational juicy perfection. The beer steams the chicken inside while the BBQ cooks from the outside sealing in all the juicy goodness. In addition we make a dipping sauce from a bit of the beer that goes great with the chicken.
An unbelievable great new dining experience, why not give it a try by calling us a least a day in advance and ordering your Beer-Butt-Chicken for only $32.00+++ including corn-on-the-cob and our famous Cajun fries. A feast for 2 to 4 persons

Back to the pictures...

Fun with rhinos:

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Just watched the Korean movie Daisy. Loved it! Made me cry and I really don't cry when watching movies... Maybe I've turned into an emotional weepy after being subjected to long-term stress. Anyway that's not the point. Its a very nice movie. No one has leukaemia so don't worry. Cynthia really does have good taste :D Thank you Cynthia! I have the DVD in case anyone wants to borrow. Super romantic (no cheesy lines like "you are the one" etc) Its directed by the same guy who did Infernal Affairs and I realise that one of the main actors (Jung Woo-sung) is the one who acted in Musa and I really liked him there. As usual, Jeon Ji-Hyun is a great actress.

On another note, Jay's new album is quite nice. But Fei Yu Qing is a bit funny... After chionging like crazy to finish Neuro SDL and spending some time today sleeping and watching Daisy, its time to psych myself up again and face the ordeal we call school. Sigh.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Back to School
Hello dear friends I have reappeared in school. Spent last week trying to pander to my kor's schedule to be around as much as possible. Meeting 未来大嫂 was ok la... I tried my best to be nice and I think I succeeded though I didn't really harbour a very very strong liking for her. Guess seeing her make my kor happy is the only necessary criteria she has to fulfill!
Also, not seeing all of you for a week has really taken its toll man. Stress levels building up to dangerous levels. When I see you all stressed also, I feel not so stressed. Hahaha.
Thanks Lynn for the honey stick! Thanks Voz for listening to me wail and wailing with me. Carine, I haven't been talking to you much so we need to catch up again...
Thanks QH for mint cookies and baking cookies for us! And its good to see the rest of the A-L group and observe the various weird behaviours you all exhibit. Haha. Our PBL efficiency is always something to be marvelled at.
PGP people, XO crab bee hoon and beer butt chicken! Bridge and beer is also good.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Of Handphones and Older Brothers
Some of you may know that I just lost my handphone. Think I was so zonked out on Monday that I didn't even realise I had misplaced it till I got back to my room in PGP... Haha. Oh well. Was kind of in a bad mood so I decided to skip lab and go watch a movie with Jamie. (Thank you Jamie for the movie treat!) We had a good time tasting free mooncake samples and buying food. Had one of my beloved Ebi Mos burgers for dinner :) Watched Miami Vice because John Tucker Must Die was showing at a much later time. I know its a stupid movie but the whole point is to get my mind off things :p Anyway, Miami Vice turned out to be super intense. -_-" Came out from the theatre with a bit of a headache. Its not too bad but Gong Li's english was... less than spectacular.
Also, my kor kor is coming back to visit next week and he'll be bringing along his gf! So I can safely say next week will be exciting. Really looking forward to seeing him again. And then can practise my forgotten Japanese with the future 大嫂。
Lastly, Cynthia just asked me to go to Korea in December for a skiing holiday! I think the largest part of the cost will be the air ticket, not so much the land segment. Even so, this creates the problem of "where to get money?"
I need to buck up in lab! (A statement out of the blue, which is mainly addressed to myself.)
I am getting terribly random nowadays...
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Happy, Shalala, It's So Nice to Be Happy...
1. Happy Children's Day!
2. 中秋节快乐!
3. お兄ちゃんはもうすぐシンガポールに戻るから、すごく嬉しい!楽しみ^^
Currently listening to: Koda Kumi's Best: First Things album!
And congratulations to Fan Huapeng who just got married, though he'll never see this :) Here's wishing happiness/幸福/幸せ for everyone, even if we don't have enough money, time or whatever we want.
To all suffering lab prisoners/mouse murderers/cheem machine tinkerers/moth-pinners/muggers and mugger-wannabes, 加油!

Current quandary: What to do after graduation? What job involves fun/money/Japanese/travel?