Been really busy these few days! Exams seem like a long time ago. Had to move out of PGP and meet people and run errands and buy stuff. Hopefully most of the work is done though I'm not done with packing. I think I can open a secondhand store with the amount of junk I have -_-"
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their well wishes and gifts :)
Lynn, Carine and Voz for the travel journal. Very cool.

William for lending me his precious Canon Powershot S2 IS. Will try very hard to take good care of it! Had fun with the bunch of you + Zhao Yue and SQ at KTV :) Zhao Yue sings so sweetly...
Xiaorui for the very cute gloves

XQ, Joanne and SY for the mountains of food! I will enjoy Alaska for you all. Those Westmark days were 痛苦 but still fun.
My mama for a countless number of things worth a small fortune (haiz)
My papa for the mini Maglite and pouch
Greetings from Yumiko, Kyungee, FM, Shin -hug-
Sorry to those I had no time to meet! Like KK, Jiayi, Jia, Steph and the A-L gang. Feel free to request for souvenirs from Alaska, Japan, New York or Taiwan (if you are reading this, you qualify for application haha). And please give me your address if you'd like to receive postcards and letters! I might be very bored (no shopping there) so I should have plenty of time to write. I'm assuming they have a post office somewhere around :p
This time I'm wiser, most of my suitcase space is taken up by food and food-related items haha. Noodles la, pot la, cutlery, milo, curry paste, chicken rice mix... (this is not the complete list) I'm gonna eat away at it till I have lots of space for shopping! Apparently I have my own small stove and fridge in my camper so I can play masak masak ^^
Looking forward to meeting 瑶蓉姐姐 in Taiwan. Ok I've psyched myself up for the trip. Many good things to come :)
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