Hello all!
Yes, I'm safe in Alaska. Don't know for how long though (for details see later part of post). It is now 3.29AM.
Strangely enough, I felt pretty sad when I left Singapore this time. Think I'm becoming more sentimental. Miss my mama a lot! And thank you very much once again to all friends who showed up and gave well wishes and goodbye gifts.

Had a very good time in Taiwan because I was able to meet 姚蓉姐,陈冠臻 and their friend 小萱。 Thank you for taking me out!
Amazingly enough, I met an ex-colleague who was going to be taking the same flight as me to head for Alaska. That's Tess.

Especially for Shanyan, XQ and Joanne: view from just outside the lousy international terminal. When the customs officer asked if I had any food I said no. I know its wrong to lie but my food stash is too precious to me! Incidentally, I am feeling rather starved because I do not like fast food that much. No income yet so the Alaskan crab will have to wait. No corn fritters for me either cos the market isn't open till next weekend :(

So what have I been doing for the 2 days I've spent in Anchorage? Slept quite a bit, yes, visited my ex-coworkers which was very heartwarming but also heartbreaking (a lot of them look older, some have left, some have had deaths in the family, one got cancer). Very humbling to see them so old and yet still working to support their families and pay for their medical bills. Lucky peeps take note ok!
-important announcement: my jamaican stalker just came into the room! will continue post later after attempting to escape-
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