Xiaoqian and I went to the Alaska Wild Berry Park and Sourdough Restaurant! We walked there. On the map, it looked like a really short distance, but in practice it wasn't because a lot of the roads didn't connect so we had to walk around highways and stuff. Legs got a workout. While walking there we crossed a couple of bridges over the creek, and I saw salmon spawning! Exciting to see nature in action.

Crooked... never have my tripod when I need it.


The famous chocolate waterfall. The description says its 20 feet tall but I was quite disappointed when I saw it. I thought there would be a literal 20 foot drop but its not like that as you can see.


Help me too!

Is this one of those poisonous Amanita mushrooms?

Read the sign...

...here's the proof!

There was an admission fee to see the reindeer so XQ and I didn't go in. Can you imagine they make sausage out of that animal? Also, Alaskans sign up to get roadkill (eg. moose), which is supposed to be very nutritious. Unlike reindeer, moose is not domesticated so you don't get to eat it much. Its illegal to sell moose meat, hence the roadkill thing.
After we were done at the Wild Berry Park, we went over to the Sourdough Mine Restaurant to have dinner. I was just waiting for this! The interior is supposed to remind you of a historic goldmine and it sort of did. First, they served us 2 sourdough rolls. I don't really like sourdough but the bread was soft and nice-smelling and drool worthy. The food was also terribly yummy. And I don't even usually like burgers!

Our food.

My Avalanche Burger set. Included the burger, sweet corn, and corn fritters, plus a free flow of soft icecream (not a fan of it). The burger was soooo goooood. The beef patty was seared to perfection and was juicy, not oily. The bacon was super fragrant too. The sweetcorn was sweet! And as for the corn fritters...

...they are simply a gift to our tastebuds. Together with honey butter, it is the best thing I've had here. (Besides halibut and king crab!)

XQ's Alaskan chowder. I was debating really hard with myself whether to have this or the burger, so she ordered it instead. It was super good. I know I'm sounding repetitive, but it was.

Not-so-wild Berry Swirl, the drink XQ and I shared. Strawberries, vodka, icecream and dunno what else is inside. Actually, vodka was all we could taste.

Here's the burger, which was bigger than my stretched-open mouth. Could only finish half of it.
After dinner, we went over to watch Dusty Sourdough's performance. Its supposed to be about the old gold-mining days. Started off pretty boring but I really enjoyed it when he started singing. Really a sweet old man. He taught the audience how to pan for gold! Talked about the laws of physics and all. Haha. He also asked for tips and he said he uses them to go to schools and encourages kids to read. Made me want to donate!

That marked the end of the day for us. An enjoyable one it was.