Banana Pudding and The Simple Things in Life
Today WY, Kenny and I went to pick KC and Zhenying from the airport. After that we took a long detour in order to find the French restaurant where we had our graduation dinner, cos WY wanted to eat their excellent vanilla ice-cream. It was super yummy so the extra time was worth it. After dropping KC and Zhenying home, the three of us went to eat at Denny's on Miramar Road. I saw a stack of colouring sheets and WY helped me steal a piece. She also helped me ask the manager for crayons haha. The stingy parker only gave us 2 lousy wax crayons - orange and blue. So we had to make do and try to colour a weird looking boy holding, of all things, an axe. Ok never mind. After a while we got bored and so started to play a game on the back of the paper. And I started drawing the kind of stuff that I used to draw as a kid. Clouds, the sun, birds. Felt so happy doing that. Doing something of no importance, that wasn't going to contribute to my future career, and doing it just cos I wanted to do it. How many of the things that we do nowadays are really things that we want to do?
Ok I actually resolved not to let my blog become one of those heavy-going "make-you-think" kind of blogs so I shall drop the previous topic. When I got home I offered to help my housemate Clara prepare for her party today. So I made this vanilla banana pudding thing with Nilla cookies. Looks yummy eh? Sigh cooking is so fun. Feels a bit like an art project each time.

The ugly colouring sheet at Denny's. For heaven's sake provide a nicer picture. And more crayons please!

Back to childhood days. Note our "person-who-cancels-the-last-one-loses" championship, and the rest of the stuff I drew, including a falling leaf, peach, whole and sliced orange, flower, butterfly, sun, clouds, lightning, birds and a setting sun by the sea. Miss taking art classes in school. How come all the classes we take now are only for practicality's sake?

Top view. Vanilla pudding with cold whipped cream on top, garnished with sliced bananas and crushed cookies. Aesthetics are as important as taste!

This is how it looks like from the bottom/side of the bowl.